With the summer approaching, many of us are preparing for our holidays – packing our suitcases and hoping for the perfect tan. While we’re busy choosing beachwear and books, it’s important not to forget the all-important skincare products needed to keep skin looking healthy and hydrated during the hot weather.
Too much exposure to the sun’s intense UV radiation, along with air travel and sleeping in heavily air-conditioned rooms, can lead to a decrease in the skin’s hydration levels. Here are four ways to make sure your skin stays hydrated during the summer months, leaving it gloriously radiant when we head into autumn . . .
After soaking up the sun’s rays, it’s important that we cleanse our skin to remove any excess oils from sun cream, as well as dead skin cells. Our Aloe Cleanse and Soothe facial wash is perfect for cleansing the face and getting rid of any clogged pores. The natural ingredient of Aloe Vera softens the skin and leaves the face feeling wonderfully refreshed, hydrated, and free of any unwanted dirt left over from the day.
Although spending hours in the sun can be relaxing, it can also do us harm and damage the skin’s delicate cells, leading to sunburn and dry, peeling skin. This is where an important step of the daily skincare routine comes in – moisturising. Once you have cleansed the face, you can use a moisturiser (day and night) to soothe the skin and prevent any peeling. Eternal Skincare’s Aloe Super Hydrating Moisturiser is suitable for all skin types, and will give your face that glowing au-naturel look!
During a period of hot weather, we need to ensure that our bodies are refreshed and constantly hydrated. Heat causes fluid to be lost through sweat, and dehydration leads to thirst, tiredness, headaches, and dry skin. So drink an extra couple of glasses of water a day and you’ll be rewarded with extra energy as well as a supple and healthy complexion. One extra piece of advice: although we all like to enjoy a cocktail or two in the summer sun, perhaps have one glass of water for every alcoholic drink to keep those hydration levels topped up!
One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV radiation rays is to use sun protection cream. A good SPF cream will:
• Reduce the risk of sunburn, heat exhaustion and heat stroke
• Guard against skin cancer
• Prevent premature ageing
Apply sun cream before going out in the sun, and reapply throughout the day, especially if you have been swimming. Ideally, seek shade during the hottest part of the day (between 11am and 3pm) and don’t forget to wear a hat.
To find out more about our natural skincare products, visit our online shop