

Parents, here’s how your teenage son should be caring for his skin

1 June 2021

Puberty can be a tough time for skin, but while teenage girls tend to easily develop a skin care routine, for boys it’s not something they generally think about. So, here’s some advice for parents on what their teenage son should be doing.

What happens to skin during puberty?

It’s all about the hormones! We all have pores that contain oil glands that make sebum, which serves as our skin’s natural moisturiser, but during puberty hormones stimulate these glands to increase their production of sebum. This means pores can become clogged with excess oil, bacteria and dead skin cells.

In some cases, this can lead to acne, which is most commonly found on the back, chest, shoulders, neck and of course the face, and can have a massive effect on self-esteem

Find the right cleanser

Regularly cleansing the skin will help reduce blemishes, pores and spots. There are many cleansers on supermarket shelves that contain alcohols such as ethanol and methanol. Whilst these can help to minimise acne, they can also cause other issues like irritation and dryness.

Look for a natural cleanser that is gentle on the skin, such as our Aloe Cleanse & Soothe, which is suitable for use on all skin. As it only contains natural ingredients, including aloe vera, marshmallow, chamomile and calendula, it’s safe to use every morning and night on teenage skin, unlike alcohol-based cleansers, which could cause acne to worsen if overused.

Then moisturise

Cleansing and moisturising the skin is nothing new, but is something that parents can encourage their teenage sons to start early. Like cleansers, choose a moisturiser that is natural and suitable for sensitive skin, such as our Aloe Super Hydrating Moisturiser, as this will be gentle on skin that is changing due to puberty. It should be applied to the skin morning and night.

Leave those spots alone

It can be easier said than done, but encourage your son not to squeeze his spots! Pimples contain oil and bacteria and by popping them, the contents can be spread to the surrounding parts of the face or body and make the problem worse. Leaving them alone means they will disappear on their own without leaving scarring.

Keep hands clean

The increase in hormones during puberty, as well as hair growing in new places, can cause skin to become itchier. This means your son is likely to touch his skin with his hands – particularly his face – more than usual.

As our hands pick up germs extremely easily it’s important your son increases his hand washing, so these bacteria aren’t spread to the skin, which could inflame acne and other irritations.  

Encourage skin care habits

Puberty can last for between two and five years, so there’s no instant fix to remedy the skin problems it can cause. But encouraging your son to develop a skin care routine early on, and urging him to continue it as he turns into a young adult, can have long-term benefits for his skin. As our range is packed full of natural ingredients, it has huge benefits for all ages of skin. You can learn more about the advantages of using natural ingredients, as well as purchase our moisturiser and cleanser, by visiting our online shop.

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